Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tithing Tales - I

I did my bills the other day, and things were looking okay.  My income barely covers my bills with a very little bit of miscellaneous to take care of unexpected things.  I even have a new student to add to the income, so I felt pretty good.  Then, I found out that three students were not coming in June, which makes sense that a new student would replace a student quitting.  That similar scenario has been my lot for six years.  I can't seem to increase my student load.  My Heavenly Father only gives me what he thinks I can handle because I will always do more than I can handle.  A couple days after finding out about these quitting students I was feeling burdened monetarily.  As I continued thinking about it, I was reminded by the Holy Ghost that my new student would cover one of those who is quitting.  Then, I also was reminded about my piano student at SLCC who I had forgotten to include in the budget done at the beginning of the month.  So, all is covered.  I need to let go of worrying about my money, once and for all.  I have innumerable experiences like this about tithing.  As long as I pay it, He will take care of me.

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